
征文 | 第二届JEEM 环境与资源经济学双年会【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31

中国人民大学环境学院将于2020年7月16至17日在北京与国际环境经济学顶级期刊Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) 以及国际知名学术期刊出版集团Elsevier 联合举办第二届JEEM 环境与资源经济学双年会。此次盛会将为国内学者与海内外环境经济学名师交流学习提供宝贵的平台。同时,这也代表着中国人民大学环境学院作为国内环境经济学科研究的排头兵,与国际学术前沿的合作与交流进一步深化。目前,论文征集已经启动,具体相关信息和投稿要求请见附件,欢迎国内外优秀学者踊跃报名。如下是2020年JEEM会议的Call for Papers.

Call for Papers

Second Biannual JEEM Conference in Environmental and Resource Economics

Date: 16-17 July 2020

Beijing, China

The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) is delighted to announce a call for papers for the 2nd biannual JEEM Conference in Environmental and Resource Economists.  The conference will be held 16-17 July 2020 at Renmin University of China in Beijing.  Stephen Polasky of the University of Minnesota and Nick Kuminoff of Arizona State University are scheduled to provide keynote presentations.

Authors are invited to submit empirical and theoretical papers on topics consistent with the journal’s aims and scope.  Abstracts or incomplete papers will not be considered.  Submissions from researchers at Chinese and other Asian universities are encouraged, and papers on Chinese and Asian topics will receive special consideration.  After the conference, participants will be strongly encouraged to submit their revised papers to JEEM.  Those papers will be subjected to the regular review process that, to the degree possible, will be expedited.  The Program Committee, consisting of Professors Xinkai Zhu, Hua Wang, Yazhen Gong, Jinhua Zhao, Andreas Lange and Roger von Haefen, will select roughly twelve papers for presentation based on their overall quality and potential impact.  Depending on the mix of submissions, the committee anticipates selecting two or three conference themes around which to organize selected papers.

Travel and lodging costs will be reimbursed for one presenter for each accepted paper. Conference participants are also invited to a post-conference site-seeing excursion in Beijing.  The deadline for submissions is 15 January 2020.  Authors will be notified of acceptance decisions by 15 March 2020.

Please submit electronic versions (preferably *.pdf) of papers to jeemconference@ncsu.edu.  Authors’ names and affiliations should be on the cover page only.  In the corresponding email, authors must acknowledge that their paper is not currently under review for publication elsewhere.  There is no submission fee.

Questions about the conference may be sent tojeemconference@ncsu.edu or directly to members of the Program Committee.





  1. 中国农业经济学者(博鳌)峰会(CAEF 2019)  会议通知【转】

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  3. 征文:亚洲农业经济学者联合会第十届年会,北京,2020

  4. 大咖云集 | 2019农林经济管理一流学科建设•贵阳论坛会议通知

  5. 征文: 2020 AAEA 年会 China Section 【转】

